How to make your vision board at home
Everyone talks about creating a vision board, but you are still wondering if they work?
If you are new to the process of vision board, you just need to remember this is a creative and fun visual support for your dreams and goals.
I started creating my vision board in 2016 and I’m already on my third one. Yes, the first two became a reality. So for me, the VISION BOARD REALLY WORKS!
Placing your board in your home or office somewhere you can see it every day is essential, because this is what will keep you motivated. It was the only thing that got me out of bed on many days in lockdown…
Your brain starts to rewire and looks for opportunities around you that get you closer to your vision. This is where your part comes in, because you need to take action, get uncomfortable and really move in the right direction. It’s the only way it works…
This is the process that I use when I create my vision board (if you want to skip to the VIDEO tutorial, scroll down to the end of this blog post; otherwise, keep reading)
1. Decide what type of vision board you want
You can choose to create a yearly vision board or you can have one for longer term (my most recent one is for 5 years).
You can have a board for a specific project (like writing a book or launching your business or redecorating your house) or you can have a general vision board covering all areas of life.
I would suggest you grab your journal and first get super clear on what you wish your vision board to be about, what is most important for you.
2. Get clear on your values
In the vision board process I use, I start from my values. If you are already clear on your core values, write them down on a piece of paper and make them look pretty 🙂
If you need a minute, grab your journal and reflect on these questions:
- What is the most important thing for me that I prioritise in my life?
- In my ideal life, what would I like to spend most of my time doing?
- What is something that I really can’t stand?
- What stresses me out?
Check to see what are the recurring themes (for example: growth, learning, love, freedom, contribution, nature, family, impact etc.)
Choose your top values and write them on a piece of paper. We will start building the vision board starting from your values.
3. Prepare your vision board support
You can choose cardboard, canvas, corkboard or simply A4 blank sheets of paper that you can tape together (see the video for details)
It’s up to you which material you prefer and the dimensions of your board. Think about where you will place it and how much space it’s going to take. You can later add a frame or laminate it if you want to get fancy.
4. Start cutting out images
This is my favorite part! Flipping through old magazines and looking for images and words that inspire me is so therapeutic. I then use my scissors to crop them out and stack them for my board. When you start arranging them, you might realise some of the images don’t fit in there anymore, but you can always change your mind. Get creative and have fun!
5. Arrange and structure your vision board

Place your little paper with your values in the middle of your board. Then divide the space in your mind based on these values.
You can also use the wheel of life as a way to structure your board by areas of your life. Place the images and words you have to create your draft and once you are happy with the structure, start fixing them with glue, tape or pins.
I prefer a more messy arrangement of the images on my board rather than a rigid structure but I group them according to life areas.
6. Add motivation and inspiration
Fill in the blank spaces with post-its or colored cards with motivational quotes or mantras and affirmations that will inspire you when you look at your board. Draw, paint, use stickers, add glitter, anything that makes you happy.
Your board should be personal and your creativity will show your personality in creating this powerful tool. I’ve never seen two vision boards looking the same, because we are all unique, we have our own impressive dreams and goals and our vision is specific to us.
When your vision board feels ready, place it in a space where you can see it every day. Allocate time to look at it, feel grateful for what you have put on it as if it’s already real, visualise your vision becoming reality, journal about it. Make your vision board work for you!
If you need extra help, check out my upcoming workshop (Romanian only) for creating your vision board
There is also a Vision Board section in The Journal Impress Yourself Every Day (order here)
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