Journaling in Schools


“Journaling in schools” is an ambitious project initiated by Alex Badita and Florina Russu and looking to be developed in schools across Romania and internationally. 

We believe that journaling should be taught from early age because it has so many benefits in the emotional and neuro-development of children. Our mission is to encourage over 1,000 middle-school students to start their first journal and fall in love with the art of expressive writing.

“My first journal” is the notebook that all children with ages between 10 and 16 years old should have on their nightstand and in their backpack. 

Self Awareness

After the age of 4, children start to understand their individuality. Building their self-esteem and confidence is crucial for their own discovery

Emotional intelligence

Learning to express their feelings and emotions will develop children's empathy, kindness and compassion


Studies show that taking notes and writing down the main points of a lesson helps the connection between the short-term and long-term memory

Creativity and imagination

Nurturing young students' imagination with superheroes and stories will evolve into new neural paths and creative ideas


Becoming accountable for their goals at school and for their future careers helps boost kids' responsibility and expectations management

6 modules with guided questions, creative exercises and recommendations

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Emotions
  3. Relationships with others
  4. Studying
  5. Career
  6. Wellbeing
journal for kids my first journal

Who can pre-order ”My First Journal”?

TEACHERS who want to encourage and support students in the couselling and personal development classes to express their thoughts and emotions on paper and get used to keeping a journal

PARENTS who want to offer their children a gift or even create a bonding ritual when both children and adults take a few minutes in the evening for journaling, each of them in their dedicated notebooks

By placing a pre-order for 1 or more copies of “My First Journal”, you are contributing to children’s education and supporting this project to get to as many children in schools by printing and delivering more copies and reaching more students.

Your Questions Answered Here

Click on the “PREORDER” red button on this page anywhere you see it, you will be taken to the product page. You will then select how many copies you want and where you want them delivered so that the price calculator tells you how much it costs. After you fill in the information and proceed to payment, you will receive a confirmation email.

The estimated date for final printed journals to be ready and get delivered to you is 15th September. Please note this is an estimation and not a guarantee that you will receive it on the 15th September. We will keep you posted by email about your order and we will do our best to get your copies in your children’s hands as fast as possible.

We ship all over the world and of course the delivery costs will be different depending to your location. When you order and fill in the shipping address, you will see the costs. For now, we will use fixed prices to make things simple. So if your delivery address is in Romania, the delivery is 3 EUR, if you are in Europe, it is 10 EUR, for all other locations, shipping is between 15 and 20 EUR.

Of course, please email your invoicing details and we will get it back to you by email.

For teachers who purchase more than 10 copies for their students in class, you will receive your own copy for free. Please email for a customized offer.

Children tend to model the behaviour of their parents, so why not get a journal for yourself and maybe invite your little one to join you for 5 minutes every evening, while each of you write in their own journal? It creates a special routine and a magical bonding moment of quality time. Provide the safe space for them to know you are not going to invade their privacy and you will not read what they are writing.

You can preorder the special bundle with the journal “Impress Yourself” and “My First journal” for mother & daughter or “mother & son” HERE

By placing a pre-order for one or more copies of “My First Journal” between 15th August and 15th September, you are supporting this project to get to as many children in schools. With the funds from the preorders, we will print and deliver more copies and reach more students. We are grateful for your contribution to children’s education in Romania and all over the world.

  • All journals come with a free pencil attached to the cover and secured with an elastic band
  • Teachers who order 10+ copies for their students will receive their own copy for free



Journaling and Storytelling Coach, founder of Impressivity® by Alexandra, podcast host at Live Your Impressivity® Show. Recently graduated from Neuropsychology Introduction and Journal Therapy Diplomas, Alex teaches the art of journaling since 2017. She created the journal "Impress yourself every day" and published the book "Write Your Way To Happiness" and is committed to spread the word about journaling to entrepreneurs, young teens and children.


Teacher, global edupreneur, photographer and founder of Global Edupreneurs Academy Globularia. Her photos offer guidance and teach visually the instructive and informative roles we are assuming in a dynamic process of conscious skills achievement. Florina is on a mission to transform education with powerful visionary practices and close connections with children. Mother of three, proud wife, author and a role model for her students, Florina is a leader in education.